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Group Medical

Group Medical


Did you know that 78% of employees said that they are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefits program? (source: Willis Tower Watson, 2018 Employee, and Employer Experience Survey, 2018).


Having health insurance is one of the simplest ways to attract, retain, and reward quality staff. A study by Glassdoor found that health insurance was more important than vacation/paid time off, 401ks, and flexible hours, just to name a few. Through benefits, they get “a raise” without having to pay taxes on those benefits.


As an employer, there are tax incentives, shows how much you care, and a good package can allow you to provide flexibility to meet the needs of the business and staff.

Medical Record Analysis

Plan Grupal Médico


¿Sabia que el 78% de empleados dicen que se quedaran con su empleador por les gustan los beneficios al empleado?

Teniendo seguro médico es la manera más simple para atraer, retener, y recompensar personal de calidad. Un esudio por Glassdoor encontro que el seguro médico era más importante que vacaciones, retiro, é horas flexibles. Por medio de beneficios, reciben un aumento sin tener que pagar impuestos en esos beneficios.

Como empleador, hay incentivos fiscales, demuestra que ellos les importa a usted, y los beneficios le permite la flexibilidad de atender las necesidades de su negocio y la de sus empleados.

Group Dental


Did you know that not caring for your teeth impacts more than your oral health? Studies have linked inadequate dental care to a variety of health outcomes.


Group dental is relatively inexpensive to provide. Even a preventive-focused plan or a voluntary dental plan can add tremendous value to your benefit offerings.

Dental x-ray

Plan Grupal Dental


¿Sabia que no cuidar de sus dientes impacta más que su salud buccal?
Planes dentals por medio de un empleador es relativamente barato.


Aun un plan enfocado en orientación preventive ó pagada por el empleado agregan valor a su ofrenda de beneficios a sus empleados.

Group Disability


Did you know that most short-term disabilities occur outside of work? A disability is any medical condition that stops you from working, which could include heart attack, back injury, or even pregnancy.


Short Term disability can cover around 60% of an employees’ income in case of such a disability for a period of 3 to 6 months.

In Labour

Plan Grupal de Discapacidad


¿Sabia que la mayoria de discapacidades ocuren fuera del trabajo? Una discapacidad es cualquier condición médica que lo para de trabajar, que puede incluir un ataque cardiaco, lesión de espalda, y tal vez embarazo.

Los planes de discapacidad pueden cubrir alrededor del 60% del ingreso de sus empleados en caso de discapacidad entre 3 a 6 meses.



Do you have staff? Are you following the required compliance for ERISA, COBRA, non-discrimination, HIPAA, PCORI, FMLA, IRS Form 5500, and others?


As an employer, you should be focused on what you do best and not having to worry about reporting. Allow a TPA (third-party administrator) that has >45 years’ experience to take care of those needs.

Insurance Agent



¿Tiene empleados? ¿Está siguiendo los requisitos de compliance de ERISA, COBRA, non-discrimination, HIPAA, PCORI, FMLA, IRS Form 5500, y otros?

Como empleador, usted deberia estar enfocado en lo que hace mejor y no estar preocupado con reports. Deje de un TPA (administrador de tercera persona) que tiene >45 años de experiencia se ocupe de esas necesidades.

Life Insurance


Group Life

Did you know more than 35% of households would have a negative financial impact within a month after the death of the primary wage earner?

Group life insurance is budget-friendly and is a great way to offer peace of mind to the families of your staff, should anything happen to their loved one.


Executive Compensation

Do you have key staff that would negatively impact your business if they were to leave? Or, are you struggling to keep key staff?

Executive compensation plans are a great way to keep those valuable and essential staff in your business. Life Insurance is used as the vehicle and is a way for the key employee to have supplemental retirement income. And, because it is life insurance, you can choose whom to offer it to, and there are no limits as to the amount of contribution.


Individual Life Insurance

Two things are certain in life: Taxes and dying. However, do you want to save for retirement and have tax-free money?

Life insurance can be a living benefit to help you save for retirement as part of your portfolio. Why not spend the money to enjoy life and reduce your taxable income?

old couple

Plans de Vida


Plan Grupal de Vida
¿Sabia que el 35% de familias tendran un impacto negativo un mes despúes de la perdida del que gana ingresos?

Planes grupales de vida es una manera de mantener un presupuesto amigable y una gran manera de ofrecer tranquilidad a las familias de sus empleados, por si acaso algo les pasa.

Compensación Ejecutiva
¿Tiene empleados que si se van impactaria su negocio? Ó, ¿le está hacienda dificil mantener empleados claves?


Planes ejecutivos son una Buena manera de mantener esos empleados esenciales. Un seguros de vida es el vehiculo que utilizaremos para suplementar el jubilo de su empleado y manterlo trabajando por usted. Y, porque es Seguro de vida, usted puede decidir aquien ofrecerle y no hay limites de contribución.

Individual Life Insurance
Dos cosas con ciertas en esta vida: Impuestos y falleser. Pero, ¿quiere ahorar para su jubilación y no tener que pagar impuestos?

Un Seguro de visa puede ser un beneficio que puede agrerar a su portafolio de jubilación. ¿Porque no usar su dinero y disfrutar de la vida mientras reduce los impuestos que tiene que pagar?

Business Review


When was the last time your banker, CPA, attorney, and insurance broker worked together to review your business financials and provided an executive review?


How would you like to have a free review done to assess if you can get a loan, are ready to evaluate your business or simply want to grow?


A business review can do more for your business than you think. 

Contract Review

Revisión de Negocio


¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que su banquero, CPA, abogado, y coredora de seguros trabajaron juntos para
repasar sus financas y proveer una revision ejecutiva de su negocio?

¿Como le gustaria obtener una revision gratuita para evaluar si puede obtener un prestamo, evaluar
valuación de negocio, ó simplemente para poder crecer?

Una revisión de negocio hara más por su negocio de lo que piensa.

Voluntary Products



Did you know that employers can immediately shift to a more human workplace through flexible benefit packages and financial wellness programs?


Voluntary products are in addition to your traditional employee benefits, which allow for flexibility to employees to tailor their benefits to their personal needs. At the same time, some may enhance your current benefit offerings in that they help reduce your bottom-line expense.


These benefits enhance employees’ medical insurance because it pays them directly and can be used for things other insurance may not cover, such as lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, and household bills.



Did you know that litigation costs small business owners more than $100 billion each year? (source: Business News Daily)


Besides your business insurance that may cover costs of a lawsuit, you may still need legal advice or may have a need to have contracts reviewed before you sign. LegalShield will protect your business with a team of attorneys.



Did you know that 50% of people will experience some form of identity theft this year alone?


Identity theft typically costs >$400 to resolve with an average of 200 hours of your time to recover stolen fun

Document with Pen

Plan Grupal de Discapacidad


¿Sabia que los dueños de negocios pueden utilizer sus beneficios como una manera de ser flexibles y proveer planes de bienestar?

Programas voluntarios pueden ser agregados a sus beneficios tradicionales, que le permitira la flexibilidad a sus empleados para adaptarlos a sus necesidades personales, mientras mejoran sus oferta de beneficios y ayuda a reducir sus costos de insumos.

¿Sabia que pequeñas empresas gastan mas de $100 mil millones en litigios cada año? A pesar de su Seguro de negicio, tal vez necesita asesoría legal ó tal vez necesita repasar un contrato. LegalShield le protejerá su impresa con un equipo de abogados que estaran a su lado.


¿Sabia que el 50% de personas sufriran alguna forma de usurpación de identidad?


Usurpación de indentidad cuesta >$400 para resolver y un promedio de 200 horas de sus tiempo para recuperar sus fondos y restaurar su buen nombre.

Group Disability
Group Dental
Life Insurance
Voluntary Products
Elderly Couple Practising Yoga
happy family
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